Community, Healthy Valentine Treats ❤️, ISH Updates and more!
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Hello ,

Harness the healing power in community, part of our mission at ISH.  Last week at group visit we had a great discussion on what that means to each of us.  We talked about community, interoception and relationship both with others and ourselves and the impact on health.   Check out this, great list of journal prompts from Danielle La Porte HERE for 19 ways to nourish yourSELF, she asks the question "What’s your relationship to what nourishes you?"  

Join ISH community members this Tuesday at noon for group visit as we round out our series on the foundational lifestyle factors by fostering community with an open discussion, valentine treats and creativity.  Hope to see you there!  Scroll down for more details on ISH Group visit.  

"Connection is the energy that exists between people when they feel SEEN, HEARD and VALUED; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship."  ~ Brené Brown

Be kind, take care of one another,

~ Lynn 🌈

Brene Brown About Fitting in and True Belonging #shorts


Weekly MEMBER ONLY WEEKLY emails are a place to get ISH Member updates, most current happenings, a place to connect and tap in weekly to your health intentions.  

ISH Jessica Bruno, is leaving ISH.  She will be working full time at a local functional medicine practice, simplifying her life and focusing on her precious family.  Jessica has been an incredible asset to ISH, supporting members, practice growth and expansion of ISH through her knowledge and expertise of nutrition and lifestyle over the past 2 years.  I have benefited tremendously in my collaboration with Jessica!  Please take a moment and share your words of gratitude for Jessica at this LINK.  

Jessica will see members through the end of February.  I am thrilled to announce that we are currently in the process of onboarding Kimberly Leonard as ISH new functional nutritionist and lifestyle coach.  Kimberly has a wealth of experience and is excited to get started!  Kimberly will work with Jessica to create a seamless transition through the end of February.   More details on scheduling with Kimberly soon!  As we get things transitioned, if you need to schedule with ISH nutritionist, reach out to Hailey for support at

Don't miss next Friday's email for more details and to meet Kimberly!

Share your Gratitude with Jessica Here


Here’s your weekly drop of health news, tips, and insights to keep you always moving toward your highest level of wellness and abundance. 


📰 In the News

We know that good gut bacteria protect against harmful ones, but now we have a new study that explains how! 

Published in Science, the study found that it was not any single bacterial strain that was protective but instead the combined effect of at least 50+ strains together. 

The way the collective bacterial communities protected against harmful invaders was by consuming nutrients those invaders might need. 

This just reinforces something we do with every patient—look at gut health as part of the bigger picture of health.

💡Pro Health Tip

Looking for some healthy Valentine treats? Try these:

🍓 Strawberry Skewers

Cut off the strawberry tops in a V-shape so the strawberries look like hearts. Alternate them with other berries or grapes on skewers. 

🥣 Dark Chocolate Chia Pudding

Mix up ¼ cup each of chia seeds and cacao powder along with 1 cup of coconut milk and some vanilla, cinnamon, salt, and sweetener to taste. Top with fresh raspberries!

🧀 Valentine Snack Board

Put together a snack board with all things red and white! Like grape tomatoes, strawberries, pomegranate hearts, and raspberries, alongside crackers, nut butter and dark chocolate hummus 👇🏼

🍫Dark Chocolate Hummus

Find this one at your favorite natural grocers, check out this recipe or search online for options to make this delicious and nutritious dip!

🔍 Did You Know?

The vagus nerve helps regulate everything from heart rate to gut motility to inflammation to mood. When you increase your vagal tone, you send a signal of safety to all of your organs so they can function at their best. 

Here are some science backed ways to tone the vagus nerve:

🫁Deep Breathing 





💧Cold Water Plunge 


All of these work because the vagus nerve communicates in both directions—both to and from the brain. These practices send signals to the brain that increase activity of the vagus nerve. 

That means no more “fight or flight” and a lot more “rest and digest.”

Health doesn’t have to be hard. 

Speaking of vagal toning.....I am excited to announce that ISH is offering GammaCore treatments to support the vagus nerve! Currently FDA approved for Migraine and Cluster headaches.  Research is expanding to all areas, benefits for PTSD, Head Trauma, Chronic illness, Chronic Constipation, Anxiety, Depression, sleep disruptions and more!  I will be offering this to members as 3 month treatment packages (you take the device home for 3 months of daily treatments).  


Ask me at your next visit for a demo!


Have you checked out ISH weekly group visits yet? 
Group Visits are every Tuesday from noon-1pm

Group Visits are an amazing opportunity to get LIVE support between office visits.  The first 30 minutes consist of an educational presentation and the second 30 minutes you're invited into questions, answers and community conversation.  Those that utilize weekly Group Visits have the added healing benefits of community!

Have a topic you would like to learn more about? 
Share ideas and check in at this LINK

EMPOWER     💚     LEARN      💚     CONNECT


February 13 - IN PERSON - FLF Relationships/Community - Time for open discussion, Valentine treats and creativity!

February 20 - ZOOM - Laina Eskin Guest Inner Matrix Systems* time change 12:15-1:30

February 27 - NO GROUP VISIT


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What is working?  What feels clunky?  What would you like to see in Membership?  Your feedback is important to me!  ISH Membership has evolved since inception and will continue to do so based on YOU!  Please take a few minutes to share your experience and FEEDBACK below. 


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A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The contents of this email are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Integrated Spectrum of Health Functional Medicine, 1305 Escalante Dr, Suite 202 , Durango, CO 81303, United States | Remove me

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